Per il fisico

Platform: iPad/Phone (Cost Free) Xperica HD

You have a virtual physic laboratory to conduct experiments.


Per il ricercatore

Platform: iPad/Phone (Cost Free) SciFri BE

“Science Friday” covers several topics like neuroscience, yoga, geology, etc.


Per il microscopista

Platform: iPad/Phone (Cost Free) Objective

Objective is a free app by Objective Pathology Services.


Per lo student di scienze

Platform: iPad/Phone (Cost Free) DataAnalysis

This free App by Data Evaluation Systems is designed to be versatile for all type of data.


Per il medico di laboratorio

Platform: iPad/Phone (Cost Free) Cell Count

The useful app for cell counting.


Per il biologo molecolare

Platform: iPad/Phone (Cost Free) iPARS

The App provides a FAQ page to initiate the RNA neophyte, answering questions such as “What is RNA?”.