Application Note – Bioaerosol N.30 – TRIO.BAS mod. Trio air sampler: WHY?


There are several reasons to adopt an air sampler with 3 aspirating heads

1. Plate Count Agar plate on left, up,  and right aspirating heads (1, 2, 3) to calculate an average result and to obtain a more reliable and realistic  number of Colony Forming Unit (CFU) to produce a valid statistical evaluation of the results, according to GMP (Good Microbiological Practice)

2. Plate Count Agar plate on left, up, and right aspirating head to monitor a higher volume of air in Clean Room (600 litres per minute)

3. Plate Count Agar plates on left, up and right aspirating heads to reduce the operator time during the air monitoring activity (less than 3 minutes for 1000 litres of air)

4. Plate Count Agar plate on left aspirating head for Total Bacterial Count (or Trypticase Soy Agar), Sabouraud Dextrose Agar plate (or Rose Bengal Agar) on right aspirating head for yeast and moulds count according to FDA specifications.
